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01303 815665 / Registered Charity No. 307889 / Registered in England & Wales No. 419256

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The Caldecott School, Station Road, Smeeth, Ashford, Kent, TN25 6PW

School Wins Kent Recycling Award

27th November 2023

Caldecott School recently attended a special ceremony where they received their second Green Flag Award. However, we were surprised by the judges, who announced that we were the recipients of a SECOND award – the Overall Kent Recycling Award!

To say we were delighted was an understatement. We hadn’t known about this award until the ceremony itself, so it was a genuine surprise and delight. We have been working on a number on initiatives within the school which contributed to our awards, including;

  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Beach cleaning
  • Metal recycling, with the proceeds being invested back into our school’s Eco Club for further environmental projects
  • Composting
  • Land Based Studies (including using some of our vegetables in our school dinners!)

We are proud of all the students and staff involved in the Caldecott Eco Club and all the green projects that we take part in.

Overall Recycling Winners, The Caldecott Foundation with sponsor Ben Dudley, Countrystyle Recycling.
SEK Green School Awards. Ashford International Hotel, Ashford, Kent.